Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Hi, everybody! How have you been? I hope you all are doing fine! I have been awaaayyy from my blog for the past month because a lot of things happened all at once(well, not really that many) and I don't know Blogger is still so difficult for me :/ I am a perfectionist and when I can't do something in the way I want, I get very very frustrated  and I have to fix that like immediately. But Blogger and this HTML stuff are so so so not my thing wahhh.

Anyways the biggest news to tell you would probably be that I graduated! I am honestly still confused if it's a good thing or not as I have gotten no luck in job hunting game yet and been stressed out so so much. I strongly wish I was still in school so that the only thing I have to worry about is passing classes lol. I never understood when my parents used to tell me that I'd miss being in school once I graduate because when you are thrown out of the cozy campus to the real world, it simply sucks. Now I can't agree with that anymore. Getting a job nowadays is as hard as reaching for the starts I guess. Sigh... Let's stop being sad and move on!

I've recently watched two movies; Kingsman and Wiplash. Both were great but if I had to recommend only one, I'd definitely choose Kingsman. Oh my god this is the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Everythings perfect! The acting, the effects, the sound tracks, the sexy guys in sexy suits omg my heart. If you haven't seen it yet, you are missing a huge thing in your life, ladies.

Tell me what is up with you guys :D

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