Friday, February 6, 2015


It's that time where you think Spring is coming around looking at the dazzling sunshine through the windows, dress something Spring-y such as cardigans and thin shirts instead of thick coats and fuzzy sweaters, step outside being so ready to feel the warmth, and then your bones instantly freeze up and you realize it's still February...(By the way, am I the only one who has a problem with pronouncing the word February? I can never pronounce it correctly...)

The weather here in Korea has been fooling us a lot lately. It's so lovely and nice one day but the very next day it's freezing to death!

The pictures above are from yesterday. I wore my favorite sweatshirt from UNIQLO, coated black pants, a grey wool coat, and my new pair of shoes which are Nike Air Max Thea!(Actually they are my mom's but you know, mom's are mine, mines are mine :P)

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